what mood r u in????

what mood r u in????

At the moment are you happy, sad mad or average?I can tell.I hope you have fun!;Crysanthemum

published on February 23, 2012

you feel like...

throwing a party happy average day to all!yayyayyay!
beating the crap out of someone
crying in bead
watching mtv all day

if someone bumped into and said sorry you would say..

its ok.
im soo ok with it heres 20 bucks!
start cursing them
oww mommy help me!

pick a face


final q what do you think of this quiz?

it was great i <3 it
it was a piece of crap
sob to mutch mopeing to do

so if i told you you won one million dollars you would say

hell yeah ohh awesome!
ugh you frieken scammer!
sob sob cry weep
great thats great!