best friends can your friends trust u or can they not take this quiz 2 find out!!!!! austinandally81 published on February 23, 2012 Stacked 1/6 you get the new top that hasn't even come out yet youre friend says nice shirt what do u say..... A)"U JELOUS???? CUZ I LOOK BETTER THAN U? ITS TRUE!!!!!" B)"ITS WAYYY BETTER THAN YOURS!" C)A)"thanks u 2!" 2/6 its your friends birthday what do get her? A)something from the heart B)nothing like i care C)a gift i want maybye she'll give it 2 me! D)the game she wants! E)get her chocolate it will make her ugly as if she can get uglier! 3/6 your friend got the new iphone 8 what do you say? A)"thats nice! im so glad 4 u!" B)"nice it draws attetion away from your ugly face." C)"I hate you!" D)"AWESOME!" 4/6 youre friend gets hit by a bus what do u do? A)SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! B)call 911 she could b really hurt! C)jump in front of the bus! D)good now im more pretty than her. 5/6 youre friend is having a party but u have plans what do u say? A)say im going bowling with the fam my plans r more important than her... B)tell her im sorry but im busy next time ok! C)skip the mandatory plans youre bff is more important 6/6 do u know your friends birthday? A)YES! B)ummmm march 23 no october 29,uummm april 19