Are you a Vampire or a Werewolf? (based on twilight) Both are fearsome and mystical creatures but which one are you most like? Are you more of a Quileute than a Cullen? Find out: heirofslytherin published on February 22, 2012 Stacked 1/16 who would you rather have as a brother? emmett cullen paul lahote 2/16 what is your skin tone like? pale tanned 3/16 If you were a inch from death would you allow a vampire to change you? yes ewwww..... 4/16 would you marry/date a vampire? yes,its not thier fault they are what they are,they're still people disgusting...they're not even alive?!! really... 5/16 What do you think about 'imprinting'? Its wierd..... Its cool :) 6/16 who would you rather have as a sister? rosalie leah clearwater 7/16 how would you describe your style? old fashioned,traditional,but still classy simple,casual 8/16 how well do you follow orders? i generally make my own decisions well.But i may not always agree though. 9/16 what type of weather do you cope with best? hot cold 10/16 Do you prefer being around people all the time? not really,your more of a loner yes,but i like some space at times 11/16 what is the best quality? speed strength 12/16 what do you think of The Volturi? you respect them you hate them just as much as any other vampires 13/16 would it annoy you if people could see your thoughts? yes no 14/16 would you choose to be a vampire if it were possible? yes no 15/16 How easily do you lose your temper? you're quite controlled,it takes a lot. you're almost always on the verge of snapping. 16/16 would you choose to be a werewolf if it were possible? no yes