I Can't Get Up Personality Quiz

I Can't Get Up Personality Quiz

Quiz based on the wattpad book "I Can't Get Up' by storytellr135. Test to see which of the characters fits your personality!

published on July 17, 2014

Your dog just died, what do you do?

Call your friends to comfort you
Surround yourself with family member, you'll get through this together
Go buy another dog!
Suck it up!
Mourn, but then go on with life.

You are riding your bike home, when you fall down and scrape a knee. What do you do?

Call someone to help! I can't get home like this!
Take your trusty band-aid out of your pocket and smack it on, then ride back home.
Cry for a bit, but then get up and keep on riding
Get up and pretend nothing happened
Call the ambulance

A little girl comes up to you and says she can't find her mother at a mall, what do you do?

Walk around with the girl and try to find her mom
Ask her for her mom's phone number and call her mom
Take her for out for some ice cream, then help her find her mother
Take her to the mall security and let them deal with her
Leave her to be, not my problem

You're at a shopping mall with your friends when you see something you've been dying to get your hands on. Sadly, it's way out of your price range, what do you do?

Try to bargain with the store owner, maybe something can be reasoned?
Borrow money from one of your friends and promise to repay them
Don't let that little thing stop you from having a great time! You walk away with your head high, duh!
Sadly walk away, but promise that you'll get it the next time
Steal it, no one will notice

You really want something, but your parents say no, what do you do?

Argue respectively
Try to convince them
Shrug and try again later
Walk away and don't ask again
Keep nagging them until they finally agree

You got a C on a test and you know that your parents won't be happy. What do you do?

Hide it from your parents for as long as you can, but you'll have to show them sooner or later
Show it to them during their happiest hour
Cry until your teacher feels bad and boosts your mark
Show it to your parents and face the consequences
Change the grade, From a C to a B

Someone asks you out, but you don't like them in that way... what do you say?

Sorry, I'm not really interested
Look, you're a great friend, but it's not really a good time to be dating
Of course! Why not? Let's go!
Sorry, no... *runs away*
Shut up and screw off

Your best friend invites you their birthday party, but you've got a hot date waiting for you at the exact same time! Aye, aye, aye! What to do?

Respectfully tell your best friend that you have already made plans and wish her a happy birthday
Negotiate with your best friend, maybe they can move the party?
Go to the party with the hot date! Why not have fun together?
Go to the date because it was scheduled first
Neither. I'm too good for parties and for dates.