Would you make a good Basset Hound onwer? Would you make a good Basset Hound owner?Do you have the time ,money,Right life style? kikizoey4me published on February 21, 2012 Stacked 1/5 How much cuddle time could you provide to you Basset Hound? EEW Who would cuddle whit those THINGS 0-30 min 30min-1 hour 1 hour + 2/5 How much time could you spend with him/her? 30 min or less 30min-1 hour 1 hour + 3/5 Do you think you could afford a Basset Hound?? Maybe ? Yes -and then some No:( Yes 4/5 How much exercise could you give him/her? 15-30 min a day 30-50 min none 5/5 What do you and your Basset Hound do on a warm weekend?? Swim Get ice cream stay home Go out side for a hike