What color are you? Isn't this so interesting? You get to find your fav color. Colors are so pretty. You know it's impossible to think of a color you've never seen before. Go on try it. I bet you can't! larrystylinson4eva published on February 20, 2012 Stacked 1/5 Cake and Ice cream to you are... Mmmm... Delicious I can eat it all day! To sweet makes me get sick! Yuck! Not my favorite but man is it good! Yum! It is good but I'd rather eat fruit. It's OKAY but I've had better. 2/5 What words do you like best "laugh! Hahahaha" "Imagine and "dream" "It's just logic" "Save the Earth" "Being Stuborn is Beauty" 3/5 What is your favorite animal? Kitties! Cause they're just so dang cute! Tigers. They're so beautiful and misunderstude. All animals! They are all too special to lose. Honey Badgers. They seem to know what they are doing. Horses. They are loyal and free and sometimes to smart for themselves. 4/5 What would you rather the weather be? Rain and snow.The ones that inspire. Sunny sunny sunny! Everyones happy when it's sunny. Just rain it gives the living thing drinking water when needed Hail! It can get really big and knock someone out. Cloudy days. It gives us mystery to what weather might come tomorrow. 5/5 Wich song would you rather listen to? Firework. It gives us dreams If I die youngIt's so beautiful... Eye of the TigerIt's so awesome man! Tik Tok I mean who does'nt like that songYou can totally dance to it at a party! Sexy and I know it! It's just an awesome song to listen to!