How good of friends are you/will be with Praneeth? Title Says it All, so lets see how you do? UGH it says I need 15-20 words, what NOW?!?! praneeth.gogineni1 published on February 19, 2012 Stacked 1/23 Praneeth refers to these two words interchangeably? Hot and Pretty Like and Love Boy and Girl Hate and Strongly Dislike God and Jesus 2/23 If Praneeth is about to get hit by a bus you should? Yell at him to move. Push him out of the way. Well he'll die from Obesity anyhow, just put him out of his misery now. Ignore it Kill the Bus Driver 3/23 Intellectually Praneeth is: Dumb as fuck Lazy, but good at cheating and cutting corners Really Smart Average A Frantic Studier, when he needs to be 4/23 Praneeth's Favorite Super Hero is: Batman Spiderman Thor Hulk Captain America 5/23 Praneeth did not cuss till this grade: 6th 7th 8th 9th He Doesn't 6/23 Praneeth's Favorite Music is? Indian Rap Indian Classical Black Rap White Rap American Classical Country Reba Beiber Rebecca Black Hannah Montana (TO THE MAX) 7/23 Which of these does Praneeth want the most? Background Music that he doesn't have to hum A girl friend A best friend More Friends Good Grades 8/23 Praneeth's Dream Job is? Engineer Stay at Home Dad Butler Surgeon Film Star Film Director 9/23 Praneeth has a blog that talks about: His boring life His loving family His loving friends His emo-ness His sexual needs ;) 10/23 Praneeth's Favorite Genre of Movie is (YEAH I KNOW, SAME QUESTION, BUT THIS IS PART 2) Indian Movies American Movies Chick-Flick Whats a Movie? Sad Movies where someone dies 11/23 Praneeth's Favorite Genre of Movie is Western Black Comedy Horror Super-Hero Feel-Good Movies 12/23 Which of these isn't Praneeth? A bitch A romantic A drama queen A person who gives up A gossip-girl Mean to a person who is perfectly nice 13/23 If Praneeth has had a fashion mistake you should? Bring him to the side alone, and tell him nicely Make fun of him for it Poke some fun at it, and make it a good laugh, but still give him advice Tell him it looks fine Show it off to everyone 14/23 Praneeth does not watch DVD's anymore because he: Cannot afford them Loves Blu-Ray Always Studies Watches them on TV Random Response Filler, lets just say TIVO like Teebow 15/23 Which of these does Praneeth do, if someone is online but doesn't respond to his facebook chat? Keep chatting until they say something Take the signal and stop talking Block them Call them out on it 16/23 If Praneeth has bad breath you should? Tell him Not tell him Give him, gum or a mint Avoid him Kiss him to get rid of the scent. 17/23 What is Praneeth's favorite Hobby? Eating and Studying Eating and Roaming Eating and Awkwardizing Things Eating and Sleeping Eating and Eating 18/23 If Praneeth tells you, he is in love with you (he likes you), you should? Make a run for it, while you still can Try and be nice to him Avoid him Try to befriend him Tell him he has no chance 19/23 Which of the following is most difficult for Praneeth? Sleeping at Night Eating Making Friends Not Awkwardizing Stuff with a Girl Studying 20/23 If Praneeth ask for your advice you should? Ignore him if it is chat Give him shit advice Make him a laughing stock Have a good time with Laughs for everyone (reference: some-somein' da fuck?) Give him heartfelt advice 21/23 If Praneeth is being annoying and just mean, what do you do? Let him be, and just daydream. Call him out on it Leave silently so he doesn't notice Leave so he does notice, and feels bad Try and switch topics 22/23 How many stories should Praneeth's Dream House be? 1 2 3 4 Who need's a house when you got a cardboard box? 23/23 When Praneeth meets someone new on Facebook, he starts by? Saying WHO ARE YOU?!?! Then Interviews them Saying Hi Saying you are hot He doesn't start Facebook Friends are SHIT!