What season are you? (1) Summer? Fall? Spring? Winter? Take this quiz to find out what season you are most like. Lina297 published on February 12, 2012 Stacked 1/9 What is your favorite animal? Bird Penguin Squirrel Dolphin 2/9 What would you most want to cook/eat? Turkey Sandwich Salad Ham Sandwich Hamburger 3/9 What is the best word to describe you? Active Caring Pleasant Creative 4/9 What is your favorite holiday out of the following? Valentine's Day Halloween Easter Independence Day 5/9 What job, out of these, would you prefer? Painter Airplane Flight Attendant Toy store Manager Gardener 6/9 What is your favorite beverage? Sprite Lemonade Hot Cocoa Apple Cider 7/9 What is your favorite sport out of the following? Track Skiing Swimming Basketball 8/9 What is your favorite color out of these? Blue Green Pink Orange 9/9 What craft would you be most likely to make? A paper sunshine to put in your room Paper snowflakes Tissue paper flowers A colorful tree sculpture