What Kind Of Wild Animal Are You? Ever wondered what kind of wild animal you would be? Take this quiz to find out! :) Caitieandtheladybugs published on February 08, 2012 Stacked 1/6 Your favourite thing to do in your free time at school is... Talk, Laugh and Gossip Play a game with friends Hang with your girl friends and 'boy watch' Listen to music through head phones and think. 2/6 At school you hang with... 0 people 1-3 girls 3+ girls 3+ boys and girls 3/6 You won a gold medal in... Track and Field Gymnastics Shot put, discus and javelin Triple jump, long jump and high jump 4/6 What do you like to do in the summer Sit in the shade with a book or some music Go swimming at the beach Hang with friends Sunbake by the pool 5/6 You favourite piece of playground equipment? (no matter how old you are!) The telescope and steering wheel Money bars and fireman pole Slide and bridge Swing 6/6 You have a crush. Who do you tell? All your friedns Your crush. You're not shy! Your BFF You don't tell anyone. What they don't know, won't hurt them