Which dance style should you take up? This quiz will help you decide which dance style is for you. Ballet dancer, Jazz dancer, Cali dancer or Irish dancer? :) Caitieandtheladybugs published on February 04, 2012 Stacked 1/10 What kind of music do you like? Music from other countries Soft, slow and graceful music Energetic, upbeat and popular music A variety of music 2/10 How much free time do you get? (after school) Weekdays: 4 hours per nightWeekends: No time Weekdays: 2 hours per nightWeekends: 1 day Weekdays: 4 hours per nightWeekends: All weekend Weekdays: 1 hour per night Weekends: No time 3/10 Can you do an arebesque?(Hold your leg out straight behind you) I can hold it just below halfway. I can hold my leg straight up vertically in the air. I can get it past halfway. ... Next question! 4/10 You've just jumped off a cliff. Why did you do it? To see if I could fly... Because my friends did Just because I wanted to To show my feelings to the world 5/10 Why do you want to dance? To become famous To express yourself To compete To have fun 6/10 What would you most likely were to a dance class? (Don't worry about what style of dance) Black leotard and leggings Pink leotard and stockings Pink T-shirt and shorts Black T-shirt and skirt 7/10 Which one of the following exercise can you do best? Leap ( Take a run up and jump into the air with your legs in left or right leg splits) Walkover/ Cartwheel ( Go over onto your hands and stand back up on your feet) High kick ( kick your leg out in front of you) Arebesques ( Hold your leg out behind you) 8/10 How high can you do a high kick? (Step onto one leg and kick the other up in front of you. Point your toes and don't bend your knee) Woah! I almost kicked myself in the face! Pretty good! Higher than half-way! I'm ok. I got half way! Um... I think my legs are faulty! Go to go and order some new ones. 9/10 How long can you stand on your toes Half a minute All day Half a day For as long as I have to 10/10 Can you do the splits? Left leg, right leg and middle/straddle splits Come legs! Just go down... Thump. Aaargh! I can do all three! I can do two! I can do one!