Your Future This quiz will tell you what is most likely your fortune of the future (results are not 100% accurate) helooooo published on January 23, 2012 Stacked 1/6 Do you see yourself moving far away from where you are now? Maybe, i'm not sure I've planned that! Depends, anywhere it will get me more money OH YES! I see myself somewhere practical where I can raise my family! No, I'd stay where I am, I don't feel like moving away! I don't care where I live! Anywhere where there is tech stuff! 2/6 Which of the jobs below most suite you? Something with computers! Something on my own (like self employed from home or an office job)! I'd love to be a singer or an actor/actress! I'd do anything as long as it paid for my family! Something outdoors or unusual! I don't ever want a job! 3/6 Have you answered all these questions honestly? Yes No Some 4/6 What type of house would you like to live in? Just the average family house! The place I am now! In a mansion! Some place nice, quite unusual though! Just the plain house, not too bothered! Nowhere, with mom/mum and dad! 5/6 Are kids in your ideal future? I already have kids and they are a pain! Kids will distract me from working on my computer, or what ever the new thing is in the future! I never want kids, they'll ruin my already ruined life! I'd like to, but it'd be finding the perfect father... Only if it brings me money, I mean that's what kids are for! Oh yes! As soon as I can, I love the whole idea of them! 6/6 Do you ever want to get married? Yes, marriage is the perfect choice for me and I'd like to find that perfect someone as soon as possible! I'd like to get married, after robots and hover crafts have been invented of course! I never want to get married, it's really annoying! I'll get married, if it gets me somewhere in life! I'd like to, I find it hard to find that perfect person though! I'm already married!