Classic Pokemon Have you ever wanted to know what classic Pokémon you are? Well know you will! Choose answers carefully to get the best results! Cooly published on May 23, 2018 Stacked 1/12 What do you think sounds like the best to eat? A veeeeeery spicy vegetable soup UUUUUH A BURNING HOT CUP OF HOT CHOCOLATE..........WITH FIRE Ehhhh... I’m gonna stick with a plain ice cold glass of water. Um.. vegetables... like carrots and broccoli... I like to stay healthy CHEESE FRESH, YUMMY CHEESE I’d say berries... maybe some seeds if they’re good Um.. it sounds weird but silk.. I like to eat spider webs... and leaves... 2/12 How many friends do you have? Infinity everyone loves me 0 5-15 5-8 1-4 1-2 2-3 I can’t remember/none of those answers 3/12 If you had a pet would you want it to be... Cute Weird and weak Fun and scary Playful and cheery Smart and happy I just want a normal pet An animal that can fly Still and have almost no personality 4/12 What do you like? Electricity Water and flopping Fire Water Plants I don’t know Flying Bugs 5/12 If you were a cheater, how would you cheat in a board game? I WOULD NEVER CHEAT Jump on the board Burn some of the other player’s peices Drink water to pump me up Go outside. Is that cheating? Sorry, I don’t know what cheating is. Quickly run over and steal or look at the player’s peices/cards Pretend my peices can fly... I WANNA FLY Uhh... I would just cheat... I can’t explain how to cheat... 6/12 What super power would you have? Make lightning FLOP Breath or make fire Breath underwater Make plants grow super fast None I want to be normal Flying Can turn as small as a caterpillar 7/12 What would you do if a wasp was fallowing you? Eh. Make friends with it. WHATS A WASP?!?! BURN IT!!! Throw water at it Distract it by throwing a stick RUN Copy it and try to fly I don’t know. Let it sting me? 8/12 What if you saw a monster? Wait for lightning to zap it. Huh? BURN IT!!! Drown it. Maybe push it in the ocean. I don’t know!! Maybe make it fall in a prickle bush? How should I know what to do? RUN!! Try to fly?... I HAVE NO IDEA!!! Stay still... 9/12 What do you like to do? Play outside in the sun! Jump for no reason Sit by the fire wood and relax or read Splash around in my pool or at the beach! Plant seeds and watch them grow play and RUN Eat and maybe play a little Do nothing or sleep 10/12 What do you want to be? Adorable Weird/dumb Famous Loved Happy Energetic Fun/funny hmmm... ALL OF THEM 11/12 What would you do if you saw someone rob someone else Stun him with the power of electricity! None of my business. Light him on FIRE!! Throw a bunch of water in his face or drown him Get him trapped in a bush or something what if he tries to attack ME?! RUN!! Try to fly away. If that doesnt work, take some food and run I don’t know. 12/12 Witch do you think is the safest or the coolest? Storming FLOPPING Raining lava Just normal raining A plant infested garden I don’t know... I just want a REGULAR DAY!!! Raining seeds and berries Raining BUGS!!! YAAAAAY