Boys Mental Health Check Discover which mental health awareness personality resonates with you the most! alina90 published on June 30, 2024 Stacked 1/12 When feeling stressed, what do you usually do? Go for a run Practice deep breathing Talk to a friend Listen to music 2/12 How do you cope with difficult emotions? Engage in a hobby Write in a journal Ignore them Seek professional help 3/12 What helps you relax after a long day? Meditate Watch a movie Play video games Take a hot bath 4/12 How do you handle pressure in school or work? Organize my tasks Ask for help Push through no matter what Take breaks when needed 5/12 What brings you joy on a daily basis? Spending time outdoors Volunteering for a cause Playing an instrument Cooking or baking 6/12 How important is self-care to you? It's a top priority I often neglect it I try my best to practice it I don't think about it much 7/12 What motivates you to keep going when things are tough? Believing in myself and my abilities Taking one step at a time Reminding myself of past successes Visualizing my goals 8/12 How do you handle conflicts with others? Seek a compromise Communicate openly Avoid confrontation Stand my ground 9/12 Which statement resonates with you the most? It's okay to not be okay sometimes I am in control of my emotions I constantly seek self-improvement Mental health matters to me 10/12 How do you express your feelings? Through art or creative outlets Through physical activities Through introspection and reflection Through talking and sharing 11/12 In times of crisis, what is your go-to coping mechanism? Focus on self-care Stay busy with tasks Research and seek solutions Connect with loved ones 12/12 How do you support friends or family members struggling with mental health? Listen without judgment Spend quality time together Offer resources and assistance Encourage seeking professional help