Are you related to Aurey? A random quiz because I'm bored! xD The sonic wwffy part 8 will be out soon, I completely forgot about it! :P Picture by Sapphire! :D <3 anonymous-user-gONQ5r published on November 08, 2014 Stacked 1/17 What animal is Aurey? (easy) Dog Hedgehog Fox Cat Wolf Other.. 2/17 What is your favorite food? Wafflez Chocolate Fruit/Veg Lollipops Pancakes with maple syrup~ (mm, yummy :D) Other.. 3/17 Who do you have a crush on? Sonic Silver Shadow Eggman! xD Scourge Other.. 4/17 Okay..the dreaded question! What is your favorite colour? *hides behind Jasmine* (Yes, Jasmine, one of my best friends or something ;3) Blue Red Black White Gold/Silver Green Yellow RAINBOW! :D Other.. 5/17 If you had to have a FNaF waifu/crush..who would it be? This doesn't include the new FNaF characters! I hate new Bonnie..eugh..Have you seen this female foxy? Weeeird!(If you don't like FNaF, tough >;3) Chica! Freddy! Bonnie! Foxy! Golden Freddy! All of them! ! (you cheater! :O) Aha lol x3 None! 6/17 Do you like Hunger Games, Divergent, Harry Potter..etc..?(Picture is Jackie btw. I made it for her! :D) Divergent! Hunger Games! Harry Potter! Other.. 7/17 Do you like My Little Pony and the movies? :DDo you also like Littlest Pet Shop? Yes! I love both movies and all the seasons!I also love Littlest Pet Shop! I like MLP and the movies, but I don't like LPS! I like MLP but NOT the movies and I hate LPS! I like MLP but NOT the movies..but I love LPS! I hate MLP and the movies but I like LPS! I hate MLP but I like the movies but I love LPS! I hate all of them! MLP sucks and their movies! And LPS is boring!(*le gasp* Jasmine throw this person out now! *Jasmine grabs you and throws you out of the... 8/17 If you had to choose a MLP ship..what would it be? Twilight x One of the Mane 6! Fluttershy x One of the Mane 6! Rainbow Dash x One of the Mane 6! Applejack x One of the Mane 6! Rarity x One of the Mane 6! Pinkie Pie x One of the Mane 6! One of the Mane 6 x Other! (Soarin', Flash Sentry*, Princess Luna/Celestia, etc...)*Ew Flash Sentry xP (I dislike Flash...or Brad I should say. Yes people ... I don't like shipping MLP! 9/17 Do you like Anime? Like Angel Beats, Attack on Titan, Death Note..etc!(Even Hetalia!) Yes! No! Dunno! Depends! 10/17 Okay, roleplay! You were at school (mobius school xD) and the bell rang for the end of the school day. You ran out of the classroom, but as you were running you were tripped up by the class bullies. They laugh as you fall over. What do you do? Jump up and punch them straight in the face or kick them where the sun don't shine! (Doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl! :P) Give them a shove and walk away, furious. Cry and run home to your mummy Shrug it off, giving them a glare as you walk away 11/17 You walk over to a friend and say hi. They completely ignore you and walk away to a group of boys/girls. What do you do? Say "OI! I said hello to you, you ignorant idiot!" Sigh and walk away to find some other friends, sad Roll your eyes and walk away, maybe a bit upset? Walk up to them and get them to listen to you. Throw a massive fit and rage at them Say "I was talking to you!" 12/17 Okay, end of boring roleplay! xDDo you like Creepypasta? Yes! No! Sort of! Depends on which creepypasta it is. 13/17 If you had to ship a creepypasta with another..what would it be? Ben Drowned x someone xP Ticci Toby x someone Ticci Toby x Clockwork (yus!) Jeff x Jane the killer Sonic.exe x Sally.exe Pinkamena x Luna (Luna from the Luna game!) Other..Sorry if I didn't include one of your fave ships, I'm not great with CP! 14/17 Finish the lyric time! If you don't know what the song is from..guess! (I'm being a bit random now with this sort of quiz!)Let's have a battle! Battle of.. the school! the bands! cafeteria! 15/17 Me and you, you and me. Why don't we see who is better? We don't have to be.. one in the same team! one in the same thing! better than all of you! a popular person! 16/17 You better believe I've got.. tricks up my coat! magic up my sleeve! tricks up my sleeve! magic up my coat! 17/17 Okay, now onto the results! :D Yay! Woot! Hurray! Meh