Are you a good friend? (13) This quiz will tell you if your a good friend or not. Some people are and some people aint. dayzz published on April 15, 2024 Stacked 1/10 How are you mentally New year new me I'm so happy all the time. I used to cry 1x a month but I worship Buddha now and I love my life I guess I'm fine I'm very unstable I wanna jump off a cliff I'm good 2/10 Do you like the smell of your friends Ew no that's werid Yes I love the smell they leave behind They have a smell? I hate people I want there rick 3/10 How late do you stay up I'm a rise and shine at dawn and I sleep when the sun goes down Usually about 9 or 10 10 or 11 I stay up till about 12 I don't have a specific bed time 4/10 Do you cuss Oh yeah, bro wtf is you doing bit## Sometimes Yes Mother trucker Bitc* leave me the fuc* alone 5/10 What do you think about mud EW OMG IM GOIG TO DIE AHHH IM SO SCARED I CANT BREATHE AROUND MUD UGH UGH UGH HELP ME I CANT BREATHE CALL 911 Ew it's kinds nasty Eh. It's just mud it ain't gonna hurt I WANNA TAKE A MUD BATH I ain't scared of no mud I love playing in the mud 6/10 Do u have any piercings Yes I have alot and even my nips Ugh who tf gets piercings them nasty fuc° Yeah No Idk 7/10 Pick a country song Country roads Last night- Morgan wallen She's country- jason aldean Texas hold em- beyonce Before he cheats- Carrie underwood 8/10 Do you vape Yes- I'll die without it Yes and you can have a hit Oh hell naw No but I smoke weed at your house Yeah but it's mine 9/10 And finally do you like peanut butter sandwiches Yes No 10/10 Do you start drama Yes I love to start drama with people I used to but now I dont Nah but I'm in my own drama No girl I hate drama Ugh people suck