Are you going to die tomorrow You could die any day, Maybe, just maybe, it'll be tomorrow... O_o You never know Sarbar1010 published on September 26, 2014 Stacked 1/5 First of all, do you THINK you'll die tomorrow yeah... NO Dunno... O_o 2/5 Are you a heavy or light sleeper A bit of both Heavy Sleeper.. NO sound is disturbing this sleeper! Light Sleeper.. Hey, did you hear that? Oh, you're still asleep.. 3/5 If I were to tell you someone is coming to kill you in five minutes, you.. S-C-R-E-A-M! Get ready and find a nice comfy, suitable hiding place then where a disguise in case you're found and say "Oh, I seem to be lost.." RUN! You run as far away as you can 4/5 You are sitting at home, on the couch, you're alone, you hear a thump and hear, "I'm coming for you ___ (whatever your name is)" Say, "I'm coming for you too!" Run around the house screaming until you find a hiding spot and continue screaming Try and escape, If it's not possible, find the best hiding spot and don't speak 5/5 Was this good? YA NAH DUNNAH? (It was alright)