Which animal are you??? A lot of people want to be animals, but what kind??? Well take this quiz and you can find out!!!!!!!! quizqueen published on December 26, 2011 Stacked 1/10 which sport do you like? volley ball gymnastics track swimming football 2/10 whats your favorite food fruity pebbles bacon almonds apples granola 3/10 whats your favorite color? white black orange yellow green 4/10 in the morning you feel.... sleepy sleepy and happy happy bored excited 5/10 at night I.... snore sleep quietly don't want to go to sleep run sleep still 6/10 my feet are... dirty I don't have feet! small hurting clawed 7/10 on my free time I... run the wheel play frisbee swim run track knit 8/10 I hate.... dogs getting bathed my life my brother my parents 9/10 I love... play time yarn water running playing and running 10/10 What annoys you? my room my food getting held cats getting disturbed