Your life as a movie! If your life were a movie, what kind of movie would it be-and would you pay $9.00 to see it? r.cummings1 published on November 17, 2011 Stacked 1/7 Which of these signs would you put on your bedroom door? I LUV kittens! I'd rather be skydiving Warning:Contents Under Pressure Private! Keep Out! This Means You! 2/7 If you could be a superstar athlete, which sport would you choose? basketball skateboarding figure skating gymnastics 3/7 You get a paper cut at school - what do you do? ask to go to the nurses office-immediately-before you die gross out your friends with your blo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-od put a bandage on it pass out 4/7 Which fictional character would you like to eat lunch with? Bart Simpson Prince Charming Harry Potter Black Beauty 5/7 There's a nasty insect in the shower. You.... squash it name it rescue it scream 6/7 You and your date want to make a big impression at the dance. How do you arive? on a motorcycle in a horse-drawn carriage in a helecopter in the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile 7/7 Surprise! Your parents redecorated your room. The worst colour they could paint your walls would be... black plain white pink with flower stencils no new paint-they left the walls as is