What Warrior Clan Do you Originate From? Find out what warrior clan you would originate from based on your personal traits and previous actions. dollfia11 published on May 06, 2014 Stacked 1/20 What is your favorite Color? Grays and Blacks Anything bright like yellow Blue Natural Colors None of the Above 2/20 One thing I want to do before I die is... Travel the world Make tons of amazing friends Have my dream job Go skydiving, parachuting, ride in a hot air balloon, or something else similar Make tons of money 3/20 Would you rather... Save a kitten from a tree Or save a kitten from falling over a waterfall? 4/20 If you had $2000 dollars, what would you buy? I would donate it to charity Makeup, lotions, perfumes, clothes, accesories, anything awesome! Behind the scenes tickets to my favorite bands concert A trip to the savanah Supplies to build an AMAZING tree house! 5/20 Why are you taking this test? You love the series Warriors Cats by Erin Hunter Just for fun A friend told you about it You are bored To find out more about your personality 6/20 If I could dye my hair any color, I would color it... BRIGHT PINK! Ombré Blonde with colored highlights Black Natural Colors 7/20 What would be the most important feature of your dream home? Swimming Pool Big Backyard Space for Parties Balconies---LOTS Lots of rooms and hallways 8/20 What do you think happens in the afterlife? Starclan of course! Hell Heaven Whatever you want You live with all your friends 9/20 If you had the chance to save your best friend from death but you would die, or save yourself, which one would you choose? Save myself. I must keep them alive in my memory. Save them. They mean the world to me. I would rather sacrifice myself 10/20 Describe your favorite food Rich, lovely, tasteful Bold, flavorful, extreme Soft, calming, lovely Heavy, spicy, different Light, easy, effortless 11/20 Is your life satisfying? No Yes Mostly, but I want more Its the best it can get... EXTREMELY 12/20 How quickly do you trust others? NEVER Pretty Easily Once I know them very well Once I call them a Friend If they look nice 13/20 What superpower would you like? The ability to fly The ability to run lightning fast Invisibility Shape Shifting Telekinesis 14/20 Would you rather... Play computer games Or go outside and play? 15/20 I consider myself to be... Trustworthy Friendly Beautiful Free Mysterious 16/20 My favorite music is... Country Pop Insturmental Rock Anything Happy 17/20 If you could choose exactly how you wanted your siblings to be, what would you choose? All your same gender, trustworthy, helpful No siblings Variety of genders. We all look different, but love eachother. Friendly All your opposite gender, good for romantic advice, good looking All younger than you, look up to you, think you are amazing 18/20 Do you believe in any religion? Yes No Sometimes Most of the Time Kind of 19/20 Which clan do you think you will get into? ShadowClan RiverClan SkyClan WindClan ThunderClan 20/20 What is your favorite spot to hang out? Somewhere dark and cool Somewhere that I can see the stars Where I can hide easily Up High Somewhere with water