How will your first date go (dating girls)? Why can't descriptions be optional. The title describes it all. Just take the quiz. dark_rose published on August 08, 2018 Stacked 1/12 Do you swear Every now and then I guess A lot No 2/12 What name sounds the best Alicia Lilac Clara Fern 3/12 What's your personality Kind Funny Creative Gets angry easily 4/12 What hair color do you want them to have A shade of brown Black A shade of blonde or dirty blonde A shade of red 5/12 Are you a girl or boy Girl Boy Neither Rather not say 6/12 What personality do you want them to have Wise and kind Outgoing and talkative Funny and weird Sky and brave 7/12 Have you ever been asked out No Yes I said yes Yes I said no I've asked someone out 8/12 Where do you want to go A pizza place A fast food restaurant A bakery Some place like the 99 9/12 What eye color do you want them to have Blue Brown Green Hazel 10/12 Pick one . .. ... .... 11/12 What age do you want to date 12-14 15 16 17 12/12 How do you want to be asked out A letter They hacked into your computer and wrote "go out with me" across the screen They came up to you and asked By text