Which Warrior Cat Character Are You? Which Warrior Cat from the book series Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter are you? canadamaster published on May 06, 2014 Stacked 1/13 Badgers are attacking your camp! What do you do? Attack with my life! My Clan needs to be protected! Attack the badgers near the elders den, my Clan will not fall! Run for the medicine cats den, and start getting herbs ready. Protect the nursery, my mates in there! Watch from far away as my Clan fights, growling as badgers get closer, but not fighting. Fight the badgers, helping the weaker, knowing I can't get hurt. 2/13 You see your mate from another Clan cross the border accidentally and your on a patrol, what do you do? I'm to loyal to have a mate in another Clan! Run over to them and tell them to go away. I would know if they where there before we even neared the border. I can't have a mate! StarClan forbids it. Although I wasn't a medicine cat before the Clans... *sighs* My mate is in my Clan. 3/13 What Clan are you in? StarClan, but before ThunderClans leader. StarClan, but I used to be ThunderClans medicine cat. I should be in StarClan, but they gave me another chance at being a warrior, so ThunderClan. BloodClan! WindClan, obviously! I used to be in ThunderClan... Its not really a Clan, but the Dark Forest, also known as The Place of No Stars. StarClan, used to be in RiverClan. 4/13 Your littermate is asking to go hunting, but you have to go on a patrol. What do you do? Hunting? Patrol? I don't do that. Well I'm the leader, so I would probably go on the patrol. I'm in StarClan, and I'm a medicine cat... I don't do that anymore. The Warrior Code always comes first, I'd go on the patrol. 5/13 You just saw that there was a fire! What do you do? Help the kits, queens, and elders do like any leader would. Help my mate with the kits, queens, and elders. Is there even fires in StarClan? Fire? *Snickers* You're mouse brained! There aren't any fires here! I tried to kill with fire before... Oh, the horrible truth... I would help my only friend out, for we don't live in a Clan. I would've heard the fire before we saw it! 6/13 Sisters? Brothers? A brother and sister. Two brothers. *Growls* I don't like talking about them! A sister... I still can't believe she broke the code! A sister, she didn't break the code like I did... 7/13 As an apprentice you... I was a foolish new Clan cat then. Oh did I get into some trouble! I was pretty annoying! I remember how I tagged along with Brambleclaw! It was wonderful, I didn't have to worry about my parents like I did as a warrior. I was still blind, so what matters really? I got captured by Twolegs... That was terrible. I got attacked by dogs and my face is damaged... 8/13 Apprentices on your territory! What do you do? Bring them back to your leader, wondering if they could be any cat StarClan gave another chance too. The Dark Forest there are no territories. I let them off with a warning, they where probably just getting into trouble like me and Firestar used to. Bring them across the moor to my leader to deal with it. Territory? This is StarClan... 9/13 A kit is in your territory, trying to climb a tree! What do you do? Trees? What do you think this is, ThunderClan? I bring them back into their territory, then go back to collecting herbs. Territory? Well if a kit came to my Clan, I'd claw there ears off! There weren't any trees in RiverClan, not many at least. Although I am in StarClan now... This is StarClan! Although if I were back in ThunderClan, I'd bring it back to its Clan. 10/13 *SPOILER*How did you die? From Tigerstar and then a tree falling on me. Giving birth to my kits... A badger, althought I then became Cinderheart... Falling into the water after being attacked by dogs. Attacking Hollyleaf.... That stupid StarClan believing Firestar! Scourge... *growls* 11/13 What where you good at? I was good at making Brightheart feel good... I was the best fighter! I am really fast. Althought most WindClan cats are... I helped Jayfeather sorting herbs. I am an amazing hunter. Nothing, I was always caught up in the past. *sighs* 12/13 Your mate? Silverstream, then Millie. I'm a medicine cat. Half... *growls* Why would you care! Who would have time for a mate? *snickers* *sighs* Squirrelflight... Then she left for Brambleclaw. Oakheart.. I don't want to admit it but... Crowfeather... I miss Brambleclaw.... Firestar. 13/13 Final question! Awe ok time to go try to make Brambleclaw notice me. :D Finally! Now time to find more cats for the Dark Forest... Good, now I can go get more herbs now. Nice test. It should of had the Warrior Code in it more though. Bye! Time to go find Cloudtail for a hunting patrol!