Which Halo game are you?

Which Halo game are you?

Find out what Halo game best matches you with this personality quiz! Do note, this doesn't cover games by 343 Industries, so no Halo 4.

published on May 03, 201432 responses 8
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How friendly are you?

How friendly are you?
Everybody loves me!
I have friends.
I really only have my two or three friends.

Of these choices, what kind of music do you like?

Of these choices, what kind of music do you like?
Percussion Styles

What super power would you choose?
(Feel free to Google some of these words, I understand)

What super power would you choose? (Feel free to Google some of these words, I understand)
Infinite Intelligence
Extremely Effective Persuasion

Inside, do you really trust everybody?

Inside, do you really trust everybody?
Yes, what to they have against me?
No, people can be jerks.

What's black and white, but red all over? (Answer the first thing that came to your mind, be honest)

What's black and white, but red all over? (Answer the first thing that came to your mind, be honest)
A Newspaper
A Sunburned Penguin
I Don't Know