Which Delusional Misidentification Syndrome do you have? For my psychology final project. Will be used in class. No other intended use. Blueebug published on May 01, 2014 Stacked 1/9 Have you had traumatic brain injury? Yes No 2/9 Are you paranoid? Yes No 3/9 Do you suffer from one syndrome/type of delusion or do you suffer from more than one? Just one (Monothematic) More than one (Comorbid) 4/9 Select one. Animals Toys Disguises, imposters Mirrors Vampires or Zombies Twin or Doppelganger Transformation 5/9 Do you suffer from depression or schizophrenia? Depression Schizophrenia Neither 6/9 Are you bipolar? Yes No 7/9 Do you have Alzheimer's disease? Yes No 8/9 Your delusions, what do they entail? Non-living objects Change / Transformation Yourself Companion / follower Death Replacement / Imposters 9/9 Do you have migraines? Yes No