What lost-boy are you most like? Any gender can take this, so go on a head! I bet no one will take this but who cares? threebeltking published on April 29, 2014 Stacked 1/5 what do you like best? Music Pranks Happiness Flowers Science 2/5 Battle strategy? I like distracting people Traps!!! I never fight Defence I work in partners 3/5 Whats a better animal of these? Skunk!!! Stinky! Otter Butter fly Cat Ants 4/5 Do you think it's hard being who you are? Yes, very Nope, I could be ANYONE Well, no one has a better memory than me Nah, Jokes are funnier when I say them and it's fun when people laugh No, I'm happy how I am. 5/5 What describes you the most? Humble Happy A trickster Bossy Unique