Who Are You in Spongebob (1) Have you ever wondered who you are in Spongebob? Take this quiz and find out! alvin123 published on April 20, 2014 Stacked 1/8 What is your favorite color? Aquimarine Red Beige Green Blue Pink Dark Green 2/8 People describe you as.... Someone who hates being told what to do, artistic A crazy, emotional, loving, annoying person A popular teenager that loves hangin around A forgetful, unmannerly, lazy person Someone who just is CRAZY about MONEY! A willed, compititive, brave person, friendly A cruel, violent, stealer 3/8 Whats better.... A motorcycle, super speady fast! MONEY! I know ummmm....NOTHING! A secret formula Bubbles! Bieng a teenager Music, say Jazz 4/8 How would you spend the day? Trying to steal the Kraby Patty formula Make Krabby patties with your spatula Be annoyed by two goofballs Counting my money Do nothing all day, maybe eating Make inventions, be a scientist Having a sleep over 5/8 Who is your best friend? Patrick A computer Money Texas Yourself Teenagers, wait only popular Spongebob 6/8 What is your favorite thing to eat? Whatever is the cheapest Cuisine Krabby Patties Healthy food who cares Ice cream Food Outs 7/8 What is the best thing to do? Having Revenge HA HA HA! Duhhhh? Dance Party at night! Look for money Do dangerous, Amazing things Paint, listen to cool Jazz Play with my best friend 8/8 What emotion are you? Sad Satisfied Excited, but not around my dad Happy Misorable Ice Cream? Happy, but not when my inventions don't turn out right