What Shade Are You in The Timely Death Trilogy? Have you completely lost yourself to the Dark side or do you still have a human side? Find out which character you are most like in The Timely Death Trilogy. ShannonAThompson published on April 19, 2014 Stacked 1/10 Your favorite novel is… Anything by Stephen King Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll Who has time to read? 2/10 If you’re not out with friends on a Friday night, you’re… Studying or babysitting Hunched over a crossword or a book Painting or inspiring myself to paint Sleeping 3/10 Your life’s philosophy is similar to… Loyalty is more important than love. Create your own destiny. Believe in yourself but accept help when you need it. Laughter is the key. 4/10 Your dream car is… Sitting in my driveway Anything that gets me from point A to B Too expensive for me to afford right now, but one day... Who needs a car when you can fly? 5/10 Your hobby or passion is… Art, painting, writing, music, or sculpting. A giant mystery. I’ll figure it out one day. Exercise, running, training, traveling, or driving. Learning. Anything that challenges me or makes me question myself. 6/10 What’s your favorite kind of music? Country and oldies. Anything that drowns out the sounds of everyone else, especially the little sounds. Rock. Definitely rock. (In private, classical.) The radio. 7/10 What part of your fashion are you known for? My painted nails. My headphones. My hair. My glasses. 8/10 If your supernatural powers had a color, it would be... Purple and unique. Blue and blinding. Green and awesome. Yellow and bright. 9/10 Your favorite food is… Sweets like popsicles, especially when it’s cold outside. Lemon cakes, lasagna, or anything homemade. It’s hard to pick only one. I love all food. Anything free. 10/10 Your friends would describe you as… Motherly. I’m always looking out for everyone. They’re too busy laughing to describe me. Anxious but fun. I might be over thinking this. I wouldn’t know. I never listen.