What Toontown the animated series character are you? Like Toontown the animated series? Like the characters? Well lets see if your like one of them! DaffyBud published on April 16, 2014 Stacked 1/9 Hello there! So here's your first question; Which number do you prefer? 114 13 18 15 You keep it a secret 12 2/9 Alright, Alright. So what kind of colors do you like? Around blue or Blue Dull colors, not a huge fan of bright colors RAINBOW! Around green or green Around a Tan color or tan Purple or around purple 3/9 Huh, ok.. Which of these are more like you? Mildly Aggressive, Friendly, and Polite. Timid, Mildly Aggressive, Compassionate, and Leadership. Very Aggressive, Charming, Decisive, Debonair, Earnest, Dictating Friendly, Compassionate, Loving, and Polite. Aggressive, Persistent, Serious. Aggressive, get-the-job-done, serious, humorous 4/9 If you had to pick a power/weapon from this list... What would it be? A blade that has the powers of Water, Storm and Electricity Electricity and dark magic Shape-shifting None of these A power no one should know Toon Power 5/9 What siblings to do you have? Brother and sister Sisters Brothers None Kept a secret (Me: My are you a mysterious one!) Tons of brothers 6/9 What role would you want? Force Agent Section 005 A Boss Board Member of a famous group An Elemental Force Agent Co-head 7/9 What would be your back-story? You were born on the date of August 22, 1996. You lived on a farm with your sister, mother and father. You moved out the country to discover more opportunit... Your back-story wasn't that great. All you remember is waking up in a room facing your boss as he told you to go build his empire. You were a second in comm... Born outside the Earth, somewhere in the Universe. You were born on December 31st, 1900 in the time of a lunar eclipse. Since you were some type of elementa... You were born on, June 14th. You are an elemental toon so your learning and work curve is different than many people. You have the Blade of Poseidon and use... Again you keep it a secret Some people will remember your backstory, but they will remember your death of bravery. Never gave up for the boss and died trying. 8/9 You have a group of friends, they all have different talents! Which one would you choose as your BFF? A back-up helper An animator A livestreamer An amazing artist A gamer Comedian 9/9 Great or not so great quiz? Fun! It was fine.. It was O.K Pfft, i just did this because I'm bored, i would careless! Do 50 push-ups! (Me: But.. Why..?) NOW (Me: Ok ; ; ) *shrug*