What would you be like as a cat?

What would you be like as a cat?

Quiz describes what kind of cat you would be like based on your personality.

published on April 17, 2014

What is your cat/ dream cat like?

It is cute and pretty and constantly entertaining
It really loves to snuggle and curl up beside you
You can throw it around like a rag doll and it won't care
One who you overlly feed because you simply can't help it
One who is cute because of the way it sleeps and where
One who is a jerk and cannot tolerate even a single touch
One who is never around

What is your fur preference?


What would you do if you found an injured bird?

Nurse it back to health
Endure the sadness
Play with it or hurt it more
Give it to your cat
Go back to sleep
Dress it up
Stay at a distance and watch it

How would you react to your friend saying something rude to you?

Walking away- maybe agreeing on the right circumstances
Taking it to heart and being mopy
You couldn't here them... you were too tired
Giving a witty comeback
Taking it to heart and retorting with a mean comeback- or getting into a heated argument
Ignoring them and continuing eating
Ignoring them or hiding

Your friends think of you as...

The pretty one
The nice one
The rebellious one with a short temper
The lazy one
The one who likes food overall
The one who lets anything go
Where did he/she go?

What is your favorite part of a cat?

The head
The paws
The stomach
The tail
The back
The teeth
The ears

What would you be doing on a day off?

Spending time with your closest friends
Doing what everyone else wants to do
Going out to eat
Staying at home and relaxing
Asking for ice cream and candy from your friends
Being grumpy