Which Silver Linings Playbook Character are You? Take this quiz to figure out which character from silver linings playbook you are most like. abbywarren published on April 15, 2014 Stacked 1/7 If you're throwing a party the most important thing to you is... Great Music A good sports game playing on the TV Great Food All your friends are having a great time 2/7 You're reason for loving Christmas is... Being with the people you love Giving gifts to show your appreciation Receiving gifts from people Enjoying all the holiday buzz 3/7 When hanging out with friends...y'all are most likely to... Make something creative Stay home and watch some TV Go out and Dance Go out to a sports bar and meet new people 4/7 When having a day off you like to... Go for a run Cook family recipes Dance Watch a sports game 5/7 If you could pick any of the following jobs which would it be? An gossip columnist A professional tester for products A Con Man Just a happy-go-lucky person w/o a career 6/7 If your best friend is getting insulted you... Kill them (the insulter) with kindness Insult the insulter Yell at the insulter Get a little aggressive with the insulter 7/7 When choosing outfits for yourself...you're most likely to go with something... To support you're favorite sports team Athletic A little more outrageous Something to compliment yourself