Which Warriors cat are you? Find out your Warriors cat name! Good luck!( Don't forget to rate it!) Oceanstar published on April 13, 2014 Stacked 1/6 If you were deputy, what would be your favorite part? Becoming leader after! Serving my Clan the best that I could! 2/6 If you were a Dark Forest cat, what would you do there? Train to become a leader! Do the best for what I think is right for me, and my Clan! See if there was any kits to look after! 3/6 Which warriors cat is your favorite? Tigerstar or Hawkfrost Ferncloud Redtail or Firestar Ravenpaw 4/6 Would you want to have kits? Yes I guess so! 5/6 What is your favorite color? Blue, pink, green, or yellow Golden, orange, or purple Red!! I don't care 6/6 Would you like to be the leader of your clan? Absoulutely! I'd do anything to keep my Clan strong!