Which Doctor are you?

Which Doctor are you?

The Doctor is a Time Lord who has so far had 11 incarnations (and the other one, but he isn't the Doctor). Each of these has been very distinct from the other and have their own stories. Which one are you?

published on April 10, 2014

Choose something to eat

Choose something to eat
Jelly Babies
Fish Fingers and Custard
Steak and Chips
Ice Cream
Pub Lunch
Sunday Roast
A Roman Banquet
Something that hasn't been cooked by me
I'll just have a glass of wine

Describe your clothes

Describe your clothes
Smart and plain
Rather scruffy
A mixture of formal and odd
Ready for some sport
Very suave
Plain. I don't mess around.
Formal with a dash of casual

Who's your worst (or best) enemy?

Who's your worst (or best) enemy?
The Daleks
The Cybermen
The Master
The Weeping Angels
A sort of slug thing
Slaves to someone malevolent
Someone who keeps deceiving me
Someone who generates evil itself
Someone who killed my friend

What sort of hat would you choose to wear?

What sort of hat would you choose to wear?
A top hat
A good old fedora
A straw hat
I once had a trilby... Where did I leave it?
Something I can just put in my pocket
Something fun and vibrant
Something that can help me blend in
I don't think hats suit me
Hats mess with my hair.
Hat's are pointless.

Who's closest to you?

Who's closest to you?
My family
I've got a bit of a bromance going on
An old friend who I tend to disagree with
My dog
I've got several friends. It's hard to choose.
Someone I keep bickering with
Someone I keep having to tell off
I'd like to be close with people...
Someone who cheers me up
My current partner
My in-laws

What do you fear the most?

What do you fear the most?
Having done my actions in vain
Being wrong
The end of the universe
Getting caught out
Not knowing who I am
Becoming some sort of monster

You come across some Daleks. How do you deal with them?

You come across some Daleks. How do you deal with them?
Trick them into shooting each other
Observe them for a while and find their weakness
I'll just be furious
Offer them a second chance
Hide, and then throw something out to see if they shoot
Get them really annoyed
Talk to them
Learn about what they're planning
Full on weapon assault
Investigate what's around them
Convince those around you to help