What type of fairy are you (the trickster kind) This is baste on the fairies from Peter Pan, the mauve are the boys, the white are the girls and the blue are the little sillies that don't know what they are! threebeltking published on April 10, 2014 Stacked 1/8 Pick one, FAST!! Hockey Make up Hahahaha 2/8 Your friend is bullying you what do you do? Stand up and fight! Cry Hahaha! Pulled their pants down!!! 3/8 Where would you go to escape a monster that you couldn't fight? An airport, I'd fly away on a plane! A mall, I know my way around them and the monster wouldn't find me with all those shops! Computer screen so shiny ooh 0.0 4/8 What do you think pegasus are? They're horses with wings Beautiful horses with pretty wings I'll tell you when I remember what a human is 5/8 What would you do if your enemy was strangely nice to you? Act crazy so they go away Ignore them What is Wrong? Got a booger-brain? Oh wait i knew that already 6/8 Ok, so pretend your a fairy, what colour are you? (Out of these) Pink White Blue 7/8 What is your favourite sport out of these? Football Shopping? Does that count? You DO have to get to the sales on time. Pranking! Soccer Channel surfing Spying 8/8 What describes you the most? Funny!!0.0 Sporty Gentil