Who are you, mlp Find out who in equestria are you. Sorry, not everyone is there. Have lots of fun Gabbygums864 published on April 08, 2014 Stacked 1/8 What time is it Music time! Candy time! Muffin time! Learning time! Any time I want! 2/8 Who do you hope to get? Lyra heartstrings Sweetie drops Derpy whooves Cheerlee Dr.whooves 3/8 Best entertainment The orchestra Watching the other ponies make candy Muffins! The phillies talent show Watching dr.Who 4/8 What's your hobbies? Music! Making candy Muffins! Teaching of corse Time travel 5/8 Favorite accessory My harp Candy, don't judge me Muffins! Just myself My tie 6/8 What do you want to be Unicorn Earth Pegasus Has long has i can teach, I don't care what I am Time traveling pony 7/8 What's your catchphrase Has long has there's a song in your heart Candy heals any wound MUFFINS! The fillies are the future Time travel can fix anything 8/8 Best color? Mint Creme Muffins! Magenta Green