My fave summer snack During the summer a lot of people throw big parties, or camping trips, etc. And there's normally a ton of food. Take this quiz to find out which one of those foods to eat. au.Mowatie published on April 06, 2014 Stacked 1/8 I know it's kind of original, but what's your favorite color? Pink! like everything I own. Red or orange, the bright colores. Black and white, aren't they the best. Brown, nice and simple. 2/8 Where would you be found during your vacation. At the pool swimming. Hiking through the woods. Chatting with friends by our tent. Fishing by the lake\river\pond. 3/8 You wake up at 8:00 on a Saturday morning everyone else is still asleep, you... Get up and make some breakfast. Grab a book\paper and a pen and read or write in bed. Feed the pets and make a snack. Go back to sleep. 4/8 What is your favorite drink Lemonade. Tea. Milk, white or chocolate. Water. 5/8 You just invited your best friend over for a hang out, what are you most likely to do with him\her? Probably go shopping. Maybe take a walk. Give each other makeovers. Create a new language. 6/8 Are you shy? No way! Yes, a little. Not really. Yes, I hardly talk to anyone. 7/8 How many friends do you have? Billions! 10-15. Quite a few. 4-8. 8/8 Final question, what are your grades like in school? All A's B's and A's B's only. Not very good.