Should you message me? Im really bored but I like it when people message me so here you can find out whether I would like, love, hate or dislike you and whether you should message me. MMMMMMM6 published on April 05, 2014 Stacked 1/7 Could you possibly like me (as in more than a friend) Maybe, im a guy but id like to get to know you first Yes ;) im a guy Im a girl but we can be friends Im a girl but id like to get to know you before we became friends 2/7 Are you straight? Yes :P and im a girl Yes and im a boy No and im a boy No and im a girl 3/7 Hey <3 hey potential more than friend... ;) hey cutie HEY BESTIE hi 4/7 will you comment? Sure cutie ;) OK BESTIE yup will do no way 5/7 How old are you? 8-12 12-18 18+ 6/7 will you message me? Only if I get a good result. Sure cutie ;) Maybe... of course! you sound really nice! Anything for you xx I need some more friends on qfeast and you can be one of them 7/7 If I told you I was ugly you would say... I'm pretty sure you're not. I hate it when girls say that sort of stuff. Girls are all beautiful, I love them all. Yeah you really are No you're not! don't say that about yourself! Sorry I only like hot girls and will only message hot girls