The Mythical Creatures around you.

First quiz ever, very sorry If I do not do this right. I'm just a kid who wants to make a fun quiz for others who are wondering what they are- if not human. Thanks.

published on April 06, 2014

Alrighty, now for my first question is... What is your favorite color? Be honest I know everybody LOVES this question. :)

Alrighty, now for my first question is... What is your favorite color? Be honest I know everybody LOVES this question. :)
Blood red.. like blood..
Orange!! Yayayay.
Green! Green! My favorite is green! Guys! Guys its green!
Blue :)
PurPle shAll DoMinatE tHe WorLd
Black- like my soul.
Silver- to murder lycanthrope children mwhaha!!
EsuhtOUrgucydSEwhat^^^ AH NO NO! Evil... Grrr Grrr We shall protect our friends
the werewolves!
Why Do warlocks feel so protective of werewolves- sorry sorry, Uh.. Aqua-ish.
Gold. Like shiny treasures.

Your thoughts on ghosts?

Ghosts? COOL!
... *long silence* So I guess I'm gonna have to call ghostbusters again?
Ghosts aren't real!
Ghosts are cool I guess.
Die die die die!

What is a nickname you'd prefer?

What is a nickname you'd prefer?
Ha.. Freakshow. Ima freakkk!!!
Wolfy cuz i love wolves
Sharky cuz I love sharks!
Uh, maybe a short version of my name? Or something
A Long version of my name!
No nickname for me please, just use my name.

Would you say you were short or tall?

Would you say you were short or tall?
I'm taller then all my friends my age and people tell me I look older.
Short. Yeah I'm brave enough to admit it. I'm short.
I'm average hight. Nothing really special..

Favorite subject? (Sorrynotsorry)

Favorite subject? (Sorrynotsorry)
Science stuff, like chemistry too.
Lunch. Duh. Food.
Drama, I love being on stage and stuff.
Music even though I'm not that good.

What are your opinions on blood?

What are your opinions on blood?
Blood?? Eww!! Once, I scraped my knee and I almost threw up- I like- Couldn't even
look at it. ew.
Lick Lick Lick Lick- what? It isn't THAT bad..
Well, I kinda need it, To be alive, I wouldn't eat it or anything, I try not to loose it..
Mmmmm snack time..
Why? I mean seriously, why? Why would anybody- I'm not scared of it but I mean I
wouldn't eat it like some.. weirdos.. here.. apparently.
Blood is just stuff inside. Then it comes outside when you get hurt.

Your thoughts on the moon?

I say we destroy it. Its so stupid and pointless.
I prefer the sun.
Moon.. Moon.. Moony.. My special little.. mine.. its all mine.. no not yours, mine.
Its.. okay? I guess?
Moon? Moon's fine for werewolves I guess but the night is my realm.