The Mythical Creatures around you. First quiz ever, very sorry If I do not do this right. I'm just a kid who wants to make a fun quiz for others who are wondering what they are- if not human. Thanks. StolenFire26 published on April 06, 2014 Stacked 1/7 Alrighty, now for my first question is... What is your favorite color? Be honest I know everybody LOVES this question. :) Blood red.. like blood.. Orange!! Yayayay. Yellow...? Green! Green! My favorite is green! Guys! Guys its green! Blue :) PurPle shAll DoMinatE tHe WorLd Black- like my soul. Silver- to murder lycanthrope children mwhaha!! EsuhtOUrgucydSEwhat^^^ AH NO NO! Evil... Grrr Grrr We shall protect our friends the werewolves! Why Do warlocks feel so protective of werewolves- sorry sorry, Uh.. Aqua-ish. Gold. Like shiny treasures. 2/7 Your thoughts on ghosts? Ghosts? COOL! ... *long silence* So I guess I'm gonna have to call ghostbusters again? Ghosts aren't real! Ghosts are cool I guess. Die die die die! 3/7 What is a nickname you'd prefer? Ha.. Freakshow. Ima freakkk!!! Wolfy cuz i love wolves Sharky cuz I love sharks! Uh, maybe a short version of my name? Or something A Long version of my name! No nickname for me please, just use my name. 4/7 Would you say you were short or tall? I'm taller then all my friends my age and people tell me I look older. Short. Yeah I'm brave enough to admit it. I'm short. I'm average hight. Nothing really special.. 5/7 Favorite subject? (Sorrynotsorry) Math! Science stuff, like chemistry too. PE/Gym Art!!!! Lunch. Duh. Food. Drama, I love being on stage and stuff. Music even though I'm not that good. 6/7 What are your opinions on blood? Blood?? Eww!! Once, I scraped my knee and I almost threw up- I like- Couldn't even look at it. ew. Lick Lick Lick Lick- what? It isn't THAT bad.. Well, I kinda need it, To be alive, I wouldn't eat it or anything, I try not to loose it.. Mmmmm snack time.. Why? I mean seriously, why? Why would anybody- I'm not scared of it but I mean I wouldn't eat it like some.. weirdos.. here.. apparently. Blood is just stuff inside. Then it comes outside when you get hurt. 7/7 Your thoughts on the moon? I say we destroy it. Its so stupid and pointless. I prefer the sun. Moon.. Moon.. Moony.. My special little.. mine.. its all mine.. no not yours, mine. Its.. okay? I guess? Moon? Moon's fine for werewolves I guess but the night is my realm.