What is your warrior cat name? (4) The title says it all. I really liked making this and Ii hope you'll like it too. threebeltking published on April 04, 2014 Stacked 1/10 Do you hold grudges? NO!! Yes... Rarely I'm forgiving HMM??? 2/10 What do you like in Thunderclan? The forests NOTHING!! The nice stream flowing down the territory The trees Barely anything, but some things. 3/10 What is your least favourite clan? WIndclan! >:( Thunderclan is EVIL!! Riverclan must fall.. Shadowclan is ruthless and, and, and.. PLAIN EVIL! Huh? 4/10 Do you like showing weakness? NO!! No? There's not many I can show it to. NOT AT ALL!! Yes.. 5/10 Are you sometimes rash? Me? No, I couldn't be. -__- why'd you wanna know? Sometimes Yes. My name is rash. I don't know. 6/10 What letter is the first letter in your name closest to? L P T B F 7/10 What clan? Windclan! =^.^= Thunderclan shall dominate!! =^.^= Shadowclan... he he =^.^= Riverclan is for me! =^.^= Skyclan is my destiny. =^.^= 8/10 Witch? Um, okay? I chose tacos And may the odds be EVER in your favour. -___- Wha? 9/10 Is this boring? Yes No Maybe so Please shut up I don't know 10/10 Fav color? Red Orange Yellow Green Blue/purple