What book should you read next? Are you bored cause you've read all your books or just want a change? Well take this quiz to find out what book you should read next! threebeltking published on April 04, 2014 Stacked 1/6 One word which describes what you like in books! Spells! Family! Zombies! 2/6 How long do you like your books to be? Long (5th Harry Potter length) Medium (The lightning thief length) Small (Dairy of a wimpy kid length) 3/6 What time/place do you like books to take place in? A magical place with a secret portal to our world (Around this time.) In Asia/Europe a long time ago. In a big city (Our time) In the country side (Our time) 4/6 Are you fine with books not having magic? Yah Nah 5/6 What appeals you the most? Magic! Spells! Mysteries, Riddles! Adventure! Action! Werewolves and ninjas! 6/6 What gender of the main character do you like best? Male Female I don't care