Sonic wwffy 10 (for girls)

Sonic wwffy 10 (for girls)

Whoooo! We are finally in the double figers! I hope you all enjoy this wwffy! Recap: You and the guys prank the guys by turning their fur pink! Then one of them pranks you back only to result you sleeping with the guy u likes room!

published on April 05, 2014277 responses 76
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After waking up and getting dressed you head down stairs to see the others were already there. "Hi __, we made you breakfast" Silver said gesturing to a plate of waffles. You sit down and eat the waffles while the thers look at each other with sad looks.

After waking up and getting dressed you head down stairs to see the others were already there. "Hi __, we made you breakfast" Silver said gesturing to a plate of waffles. You sit down and eat the waffles while the thers look at each other with sad looks.
*Hums the do you like waffles song*
Whats with the sad looks people!
...Is there something on my face?
Was it about the prank? Or mabye the mission we went on? Or who we slept with last night? o.o
*shrugs* Dont know, Dont care, just gimmie my waffles! someone missing?

You look up and sigh. "Ok, what up? You all have been looking at each other like that for 5 minutes already" "After that mission you, Sapphire and Alexis went on we never really did get the choas emerald" Knuckles pointed out. "Oh yeah..."

You look up and sigh. "Ok, what up? You all have been looking at each other like that for 5 minutes already" "After that mission you, Sapphire and Alexis went on we never really did get the choas emerald" Knuckles pointed out. "Oh yeah..."
Hmph, we can just get it back?
I guess that really is pretty bad...
Now how am I gonna get home!?
*Looks down at empty plate*
So...all that was for...NOTHING!
*looks away*
Does that mean we can have another adventure!?

Alexis stood up smirking. "Funny, look what I have here" She pulls out of her pocket a green choas emerald" "How did you get that!?" Espio Sonic said grabbing it and examaning it. "I have my ways" She said then she smiled at you "One down and six to go!"

Alexis stood up smirking. "Funny, look what I have here" She pulls out of her pocket a green choas emerald" "How did you get that!?" Espio Sonic said grabbing it and examaning it. "I have my ways" She said then she smiled at you "One down and six to go!"
This is great!
My favourite coloured chaos emerlad!
Phew! I thought we did all that work for nothing!
Great job Alexis!
At least we get an reward for all our hard work!
Six more emeralds till I can go home!

"We need to plan and find the next one! Eggman might have that one too! Or he could be looking for them and-" Sonic cut Tails off "Can we just chill for now? All this thought of working is making me tired" Sapphire nods. "Good idea Sonic! Thats why I have these!" She puts a set of tickets on the table. "These are tickets to see Sonic Under Ground and Alexis sing! Also there is a very special guest singing as well!" Sapphire says clapping her hands.

"We need to plan and find the next one! Eggman might have that one too! Or he could be looking for them and-" Sonic cut Tails off "Can we just chill for now? All this thought of working is making me tired" Sapphire nods. "Good idea Sonic! Thats why I have these!" She puts a set of tickets on the table. "These are tickets to see Sonic Under Ground and Alexis sing! Also there is a very special guest singing as well!" Sapphire says clapping her hands.
Whooo! Manics gonna play the drums!
Relaxing! Here we come!
I wonder who the speciel guest is...
Is it you? (no, why would you say that?) The pic
Lol Sonics gonna play!
Alexis can sing? (yep!)
Yeah! Go Sapphire!

All the guys cheer and high five. "So when is it?" Asked Espio. "Tonight, at 9:00!" Sonia said coming into the room. "Wait!" Sappire said ticket in her hand. "I got these before __ came! I don't have enough tickets!"

All the guys cheer and high five. "So when is it?" Asked Espio. "Tonight, at 9:00!" Sonia said coming into the room. "Wait!" Sappire said ticket in her hand. "I got these before __ came! I don't have enough tickets!"
Aw man! I wanted to dance!
God damn it! This could have been a great night!
Aw! I wanted to see Sonic perform!
I don't care, im not really a fan of music anyway (*gasp*)
Aw man! Manic on his drums would be epic!

Manic just smirked "She can be my guest, you can stay backstge and have the best seats!" He said high fiving you. "But who will look out for her when we perform" Sonic said. "I will" Sapphire said "I wanna go backstage too!"

Manic just smirked "She can be my guest, you can stay backstge and have the best seats!" He said high fiving you. "But who will look out for her when we perform" Sonic said. "I will" Sapphire said "I wanna go backstage too!"
wtf Sapphire! Why did you make us think we were not going!!! (Heh, sorry)
Please let Sapphire go backstage with us! It will be awsome!
Damn! I didn't want to go! (well, your going!) -_-U
Yay! Thanks Manic!
Rock and roll! Here we come!!

"We better get ready!" Sonia said dragging Sonic and Manic out of the room. "Feel free to pick an outfit!" Sonia shouted from the other room. You looked around tring to find some clothes until you saw Sapphire. "Nice dress" You say "Wheres Aexis?" "Her outfit is a secret, she wont let us see it until the performance!" Sapphire said. "Lets find you some clothes"

"We better get ready!" Sonia said dragging Sonic and Manic out of the room. "Feel free to pick an outfit!" Sonia shouted from the other room. You looked around tring to find some clothes until you saw Sapphire. "Nice dress" You say "Wheres Aexis?" "Her outfit is a secret, she wont let us see it until the performance!" Sapphire said. "Lets find you some clothes"
A purple sparkly top with matching purple sparkly skirt and purple flats
A blue sparkly top with matching blue sparkly skirt and blue flats
A black sparkly top with matching black sparkly skirt and black flats
A white sparkly top with matching white sparkly skirt and white flats
A green sparkly top with matching green sparkly skirt and green flats
A yellow sparkly top with matching yellow sparkly skirt and yellow flats
A red sparkly top with matching red sparkly skirt and red flats

Then Shadow came out and nodded at you "Looks good" He said and you smile at him "Thanks shadow! Lets go!" You go outside to see Sonic, Manic and Sonia wearing shades. Them and all the others were in the car exept Alexis. She was already at the stage. You get in the car and a song starts to play you and the guys sing along and they laugh giggle.

This is gonna be such a good night!
Hmph, mabye this wont be so bade *small smile* (it smiled!)
*singing along*
I wanna get there real quick this is my first consert I can see from backstage!
*looks out of window*
*is laughing and giggling*
*Sits in silents*

When you go there you went backstge and saw Alexis from the first time in a hour. "You look great!" You say and she smiles "Thanks! Wish me luck!" She says and sings a song you have never herd of before but you dance and laugh with Sapphire and Manic backstage. Then Alexis comes off. And Manic, Sonic and Soina walk on stage.

When you go there you went backstge and saw Alexis from the first time in a hour. "You look great!" You say and she smiles "Thanks! Wish me luck!" She says and sings a song you have never herd of before but you dance and laugh with Sapphire and Manic backstage. Then Alexis comes off. And Manic, Sonic and Soina walk on stage.
Great job Alexis!
*does the gagnam style* XD (Sorry I can't spell for my life!)
Whoo! Go manic!
*does makarana* XP (sorry again!)
*Does the harlem shake* CX (*facepalm*)
Good luck guys!
Go Sonic!

They start to sing and the crowd goes wild. "Never knew thay could sing" Sapphire whispered. Then a cat came from bacstage. "Please help! The special guest singer is not here and no one can sing to reaplace her!" Sapphire shook her head. "Sorry, I would love to help but ive got mega stage fright....unless..." She looks at you

They start to sing and the crowd goes wild. "Never knew thay could sing" Sapphire whispered. Then a cat came from bacstage. "Please help! The special guest singer is not here and no one can sing to reaplace her!" Sapphire shook her head. "Sorry, I would love to help but ive got mega stage fright....unless..." She looks at you
"Oh no! No! No! NO!"
"I'm gonna perform! Cool I get to be like Manic!"
"Your not the only one with stage fright Sapphire!"
"I cant sing! No don't do this to me!!!"
"Nope! No! Never! No way!"
"Hm...I guess this is just gonna have to happen, count me in!"
"Touch me and you die"

The cat looked at you then nodded and pushed you to a make up area. "Wait!" You yell but she was already doing your make up. She then gives you a piece of paper. "You have to learn this in the next...5 seconds" She says looking at her watch. "What!" You say. You only get to read the tital before she pushs you on stage.

Wait...did that just say teenage dream?
Love story? How is that possable!
True love...
Beneath your beautiful! My favourite song!
Paparazzi! Good thing I know all the words!
Keep bleeding...strange, how do mobius even know this song!
A thousand years...I can do this!

Meanwhile in the audiance the guys all congratulate Alexis and Sonic, Manic and Sonia. Sapphire slowly creeps next to the and gives you a thumbs up signal before whispering. "Your gonna do great" The audiance looks and you and whispers. "Here goes nothing" You think before letting the world flow with the music.

Meanwhile in the audiance the guys all congratulate Alexis and Sonic, Manic and Sonia. Sapphire slowly creeps next to the and gives you a thumbs up signal before whispering. "Your gonna do great" The audiance looks and you and whispers. "Here goes nothing" You think before letting the world flow with the music.
"We were both young, whe I first saw you"
"Sometimes I hate every single stuiped word you say"
"You tell all the girls no"
"Were in the crowd"
"Closed off from love"
"Heart beats fast"
"You think im pretty"