who are you from once apon a time? once apon a time is the coolest show EVER!!!! you will not get this quiz unless u have seen the show catspark published on April 03, 2014 Stacked 1/15 do u like once apon a time?!?! it is ok BEST.SHOW.EVER no 2/15 witch couler is best red orange yellow green blue indigo/turquoise violet other 3/15 do u believe in magic? yeah I guess YEAH! that is why I'm filthy rich!! no way! I do magic is why I'm a unicorn -frog. i believe but it is TERRIBLE 4/15 what would you do if you were magic? I'm already magical i would make myself rich celebrity oh yeah turn the world into my slave humiliate people magic? would never use it 5/15 if you had a choice to have wings permanently, would you? yeah, I could fly!! no, it would make me uncool 6/15 if you could have the power to turn into any animal any time,but it sometimes just happens randomly would you take this power? yeah, i could be faster, smarter then everyone!!!! no it would be cool 7/15 favorite animal!!! dog cat monkey bird crocodile other 8/15 what do you were dress jeans an a crop top hoodie tee and baggy pants anything clean my moms clothes other 9/15 people being humiliated is.... HILARIOUS funny funny-ish sad sad,just sad 10/15 favourite number from one to ten 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11/15 animals are... cool weird 12/15 school is... fun BOR-ING 13/15 love is... GROSS sweet 14/15 you like to eat.. fast food veggies fruit wheat sugar 15/15 is pink your fav couler yep no way