What Nintendo home console are you? From NES to Wii u what N64 console are you. Find out in this personality quiz. zombie191 published on April 02, 2014 Stacked 1/8 Best pet out of the 6 Dog Cat Fish Snake Ferret A bird 2/8 Are you good at sports? I'm so good at all the sports. Im a sports MASTER. Only one sport. But that's my specialty. Sports suck I don't play sports. But I don't hate them. Last time I played a sport peoples eyes fell out because I was so bad I don't play sports but im good at them 3/8 What would you play in a band Guitar Bass Drums Im the singer Saxophone I won't wanna play in a band 4/8 If you were a controller what would you be like Weird, strange looking. But fun to play with Easy simple buttons A smart amount of buttons not a lot but not a little Big but light Well O-b-v-I-o-u-s-l-y said to be the best controller EVER Something people don't love but don't hate 5/8 favorite Mario game SUper Mario world. Old 3d mario New 3d mario A one that takes a while to beat One with a lot of red.. The classics 6/8 I hate ____ Everyone Food You Cheap things People obsessed with little pointless things Expensive things 7/8 What is your favorite Mario Party 1,2 or 3 4,5,6, or 7 8 or 9 Mario Party sucks I'm not a fan of minigames so i'll pass Mario PArty is bland and boring in my opinion. But it isnt terrible. 8/8 What is your pick from the vending machine Something extremely spicy Something I've never had before, im a risk taker Just about the same thing every time Something Health. Im a healthy freak. But I can kinda be a jerk about it. Something not to old but not to new A friend's recommendation