Which World City Should You Live In?

Which World City Should You Live In?

Based on your likes and personality, where in the world would be the best fit for you?

published on April 01, 2014

How do you like your food?

How do you like your food?
A little zesty
Fairly mild or spice-less
Mostly sweet -- give me the sugary stuff!

How do you feel about nature?

How do you feel about nature?
I guess it's cool, but I don't honestly care about it much.
I think it's important -- I love having the natural world close by.

What do you look for in a mate?

What do you look for in a mate?
Someone who's committed for the long haul
A partner, but not necessarily a soul mate
Someone who can show me a great time, but isn't interest in anything long-term

How do you feel about dishonesty or corruption?

How do you feel about dishonesty or corruption?
Hey, it's none of my business -- if it doesn't involve me, I don't especially care about it.
Whoa, of course that's my business! We've got to root it out!

How do you feel about having other people in charge of you?

How do you feel about having other people in charge of you?
I'm fine with it. I don't really care to be the "take charge" person.
I would rather be the one calling the shots, and be able to do as I please.

How would you describe your social level?

How would you describe your social level?
I love being around people -- having a big group of friends and associates is the best!
I like being around lots of people, but I also like to balance it with an equal amount of alone time.
I've got nothing against people, but I tend to keep more to myself. Big groups aren't really my thing.

Do you like to have a beach nearby?

Do you like to have a beach nearby?
Yes, yes, please!
Well, the ocean's okay, but I don't *need* it. I guess I'm okay with it either way.
I'm happier inland, really -- I don't care for the ocean much.

How religious are you?

How religious are you?
Very religious
Somewhat religious
Not very religious
Not religious at all

If you could choose the weather, what kind of weather would you prefer?

If you could choose the weather, what kind of weather would you prefer?
To be honest, I love cold or snowy weather the best!
I like temperate places and pretty balanced seasons.
Give me sunshine! The best weather is warm weather, all the way!

How would you describe your personality, most of the time?

How would you describe your personality, most of the time?
Easy-going and pretty stress-free
Thoughtful and measured
Fast-paced and energetic
Maybe a bit uptight or stand-offish

What was your favorite subject in school? (or which of these choices do you prefer most?)

What was your favorite subject in school? (or which of these choices do you prefer most?)
Gym Class
Music, Drama, or Art
Shop Class (ie, autoshop, woodworking, technical engineering, etc.)

How do you feel about helping other people?

How do you feel about helping other people?
I think it's great, but I'm not very good at it, and I usually let more capable people handle it.
I like to help when I can -- even if my ability is limited.
I love a chance to help out!

What is your favorite pastime?

What is your favorite pastime?
Surfing the Internet or playing a video game
Playing team sports
Camping, hiking, fishing, skiing -- any kind of outdoor adventure
Spending a night on the town with friends