Are you crazy (1) Find out how crazy you really are from 0 to 100 percent of how crazy you truly are babyaimee published on March 27, 2014 Stacked 1/5 ... .... what .l whatevs what the heck SQURILL RAINBOW omg what the heck ><\\\o> fishes 4 u 2/5 What is your favorite color of all time PINK RAINBOW I DONO Black Skittles duh Blue Whayevs Other 3/5 what is yur favorite song wrecking ball I want crazy don't stop beleving don't hav one 4/5 okay so a squrill talk to you squrills don't talk OMG come here woof woff woof whats 5/5 how many friends do u hav 1-6 0 tons