are you good at minecraft? are you a noob, or a pro. LETS FIND OUT! do this quiz to find out how good you are doing compared to others somedude1234567890 published on March 25, 2014 Stacked 1/5 do you eat pork, cake, or bread when you have full health but are near hungry thats a dumb question cake bread cookies i wait 2/5 witch mob do you hate the most skelly zombie creeper ...its to painful to talk about... *lightning* enderman spider sheep 3/5 to trap a animal you... dig a hole feed it set traps duh 4/5 what is the first thing you do when you spawn try to find a cave to sleep in build shelter punch a tree hunt mobs with the sword i got when i spawned invite an army friends to begin our ore hunt! 5/5 witch ore is your fave, when making tools wood stone iron gold imagination