Which Hogwarts House would you be? Welcome to Hogwarts! You will be sorted by the Sorting Hat into your new House, but which will it be? Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin, we shall see. DrEpicGuy published on March 23, 2014 Stacked 1/7 You are walking through a corridor and see a kid who you don't know being bullied by Slytherins. What do you do? I just stand there and watch - there's nothing I can do! I tell the bully to shove off, he shouldn't be like that to his fellow students! I start a fight with the bully, he needs to back off! I'll show that bully how it's really done - I'll bully him AND the kid. 2/7 What job would you like to have when you grow up? I want to be an auror - no dark wizards should be allowed to roam this world! I want to work for the Ministry of Magic, maybe even Minister of Magic one day - it pays well and allows a reasonably happy life. I want to do what my family does, I don't think I'm smart or skilled enough to do anything else! I want to do something cool, maybe a dark wizard if I'm able... 3/7 Who is your favorite teacher? Professor Snape - he's always telling everybody as it is! Professor Sprout, she's always nice to me. Maybe Flitwick, so is he. Professor Aurora's okay, too... Professor McGonagall, she's a little strict, but she's professional and helps us get our work done easily. Dumbledore! He's so wise and knows exactly what to say to people. 4/7 What do you do if an authority figure catches you doing something against the rules? I would try to act as innocent as possible. If they don't by it, I get angry, maybe hex them. I don't think I break the rules much... I accept the full punishment - What I was doing must've been wrong. I tell them exactly what I've been doing - maybe leaving out the really bad parts - and then explain to them why it should be allowed. 5/7 Do you enjoy being a wizard? Yeah, but I don't know if I'm too good at it... Yes, of course I do! If I were a muggle, I couldn't live with myself! Yes, of course, having magic is amazing! Being a wizard is great and all, but I think I could function proper enough if I wasn't oone. 6/7 What would you do if you got Slytherin? I would demand a refund, and if I was denied that, I would want to leave the school! I would hate it, but I wouldn't be too bothered by it. As long as I get to be at this school, I'd be fine. It's not like I'd immediately become a dark wizard... I would be absolutely thrilled! I would immediately write to my family to tell them the good news! I would be mortified! Slytherins are the worst! I wouldn't want to be like that! 7/7 What is your favorite school subject? I absolutely LOVE Arithmancy! The stuff we learn in there is so interesting! Defense Against the Dark Arts - it teaches us how to take down the evil scum of the world! Potions, Professor Snape is the best teacher. Charms, it's the most fun and easiest class, everything else is really hard for me!