what faction are u in find out what faction your in take this quiz thats all i have to say so yay jerusha704 published on March 21, 2014 Stacked 1/7 which job would you rather have humanitarian judge none farmer scientest firefighter 2/7 when faced with a problem u react by... faceing it head on what else would u do doing whatever is the best thing greatest number of people debating the issue with your friends creating a work of art that expresses your feelings all none or more than one making a list of pros and con and then pick the best option 3/7 what do u want most right now to find truth in every thing to have peace to serve those around you all or more than one find your strenth in character be good in work or school 4/7 what would you most likely find your self doing on the weekend reading volunteering skydiving more than one or none shareing opinions with ur friends writing poetry 5/7 you most want your friends and family to see you as someone who... is willing to make sacrifices to help any one in need is liked by every one is trustworthy will protect them no matter what happens offers wise advise all or more than one 6/7 u find out that your friends boyfriend/girlfriend was cheating on him/her what do u do confront the cheater tell ur friend tell ur friend cause u dont think she should date someone so selfish sit them both down so they can talk it over keep it to ur self statistics show she/he will find out eventually none or more than one 7/7 when choseing ur outfit you select something rainbow something blue something red or yellow some thing black some thing black and white somethin gray