Do you over due Internet Surfing? You may not know if you're over surfing the web, so I would recommend taking this test to find out! Sandstorm78 published on March 22, 2014 Stacked 1/8 How many hours do you think you spend surfing the web? 15-30 minutes 30 -1 hour 1 -2 hours 2-3 hours 3-4 hours 4-5 hours 5+ 2/8 Do you get sad/mad if you have to leave the computer? Sometimes Never. Time is up YES!! *BAWLS* 3/8 Do you ever go outside? Never! I wanna play on the computer! Yes, always! 4/8 Are you called a "Geek", because you know everything about computers? Nope Yes. 5/8 Have you ever heard of the phrase, "If you don't rest your eyes from the screen, you could go blind?" Yes, and I try to follow it. Too busy, playing the computer! 6/8 How may social sites and games, are signed up for? 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5+ 7/8 Have you had the computer taken away from, for too much time on it? Never Yes.... 8/8 Do have any other hobbies, beside playing the computer? Yes, of course! Nope.