What is your mental weight? Find out how much you mentally weigh. See if what your brain and physiological needs say match what your body says. Winnerhtf published on March 18, 2014 Stacked 1/6 A large man falls down infront of you while eating a sandwich. Yes, the EMT's are assisting him, so you have nothing to do but stand there. Do you.. Stand until you feel its appropriate to leave. Stay until your feet hurt. Sit down on the floor while they are trying to provide medical assistance to the patient. Eat the sandwich he dropped. Offer to give the EMT's your snacks so they do not become hungry. Dig right into one of the EMT's leg disregarding the injured man. Pass out due to seeing a small amount of blood. 2/6 You stumble haphazardly into an abandoned burger shack. You notice a burger on a seemingly clean plate on the dusty counter. It is just about two feet to your left, what do you do? Ignore the burger for now and search the place out of curiosity. Check the burger for impurities, knowing you will indulge anyway, acting as if a little mold would actually deter you from indulging. Leave the building immediately and remove it from your mind as if it never occurred. Dig right in. 3/6 Your upstairs In your bedroom. You smell delicious stew cooking downstairs, what is your course of action? Resist the urge and snack on the foods in your room. Don't really care. Finish what your doing then head down for a nice meal if hungry. Start migrating towards it at first scent. Wait for the stew to come to you. 4/6 What do you do at an all you can eat buffet? Eat until you literally can not eat any more. Eat until you can not eat anymore AND sneak home food for later. Eat what you enjoy until you feel you've had enough. Nibble on a few things. No more, no less. Eat about the amount everyone else with you does. Leave the buffet due to most likely low quality food. 5/6 How do you pick your clothing? style, attractiveness. comfort. cost whatever fits 6/6 You see a lion running at you, what do you do? Run for your life. Scream and hope for quick help. Try to fight the lion. Start fire in front of you in hopes the lion will run into it and turn into dinner. Sacrifice your family and walk away.