What Eeveelution Are You? (3) Which Eeveelution are you? So yea, um, words and stuff and things, stuff, things, and things. ShinyEeveeEpicness published on March 17, 2014 Stacked 1/15 Favorite CMC and why? Sweetie Belle, She's alot like me! Scootaloo, She's cool. Scootaloo, She's 10% cooler. None. Scootaloo, she's the most interesting. The who? Applebloom, she has sass! Babs? Because... ALL! :D 2/15 You're grounded. What do you do you do? Write in your diary. Play on your phone. Read books. Heard of them? Why would I be grounded? Bounce on my bed! :3 Scream and throw a fit! Plan revenge! Cries. Plays with stuff and things! 3/15 What do you do on your phone? Text! Listen to music. Call people! :D Interneting!! Play games and email friends!! Take pictures of things! Texting all day....don't stop.... It's a phone stupid, you call people.... 4/15 Three words that describe you! Happy,Friendly,Loyal Lazy,Cool,Honest Awesome,Epic,Cool Sexy,Strong,Short Tempered Kind,Loyal,Wise Wise,Quiet,Goth... Beautiful,Pretty,Glamourous Shy,Talented,Quiet Happy,Friendly,Hyper 5/15 Who is your favorite out of the mane six and why? The mane who? Pinkie Pie, I wish she existed in real life. When there's so much negativity in the real world. Fluttershy, because I can relate to her. Rainbow Dash, because she's 20% cooler than the rest! I don't like Mlp. Twilight, I like the main characters of tv! Pinkie Pie! She always bounces off the walls! Rarity, she's a good role model. Applejack, she's wise. 6/15 Favorite Holiday? New years Valentines Thanksgiving Halloween Birthday! :D Christmas ALL! Groundhog Day? Other 7/15 Someone going to kill you! What do you do? *Screams And Panics* Maybe I am that killer. ;) I'll reason with him. I'll fight him!! Oh well. derp. Suicide... Everyone panic! Escape plan or something! Oh well i'll be in the news! 8/15 Favorite Youtuber? Smosh! PewDiePie! :D Jenna Marbles! BitterBubblegum!Me: Why thank you. :) I don't watch Youtube. CGP Grey. Vevo channels BubbleGumFizz, Alphawolfkate404, Harmonybutterfree, ZOMG I can't decide!! Tamashii Hiroka 9/15 What do you generally wear? A pink T Shirt and a skirt. A Sweater and jeans. A Funny T shirt with Jeans. A Red Dress and White Tights. A T shirt from helping charities and some jeans. A Black Sweater and some regular pants. A Cute dress shirt with a skirt. A green dress and tights. A Big dress with a too too!! 10/15 What is your Favorite Food? PBJ! Ice Cream. Pizza! Low fat bars. Fruit and Vegetables. Chocolate. Don't judge... Cereal. Apple. SWEETS! 11/15 You won 1,000,000$! What do you do with it? Buy the world!! Invite everyone to a big huge awesome stupendous celebration!! Buy diamonds! Donate it all to charity. Save it for collage. Buy my own library, and educate people on the history of Pokemon. Be epic!! Get my own magazine business. Buy a amusement park all to myself!! 12/15 You can go anywhere in your town, where do you go? Mall. Sweet shop!! I'll just stay home. Library. Hang around town. Charity! Outside school. Park! A friend's house. 13/15 Favorite Emoticons? :) XD BD ;) :D :3 <3 :-) I don't like emoticons. 14/15 How Awesome Is Applebloom? I love Applebloom! :) Pretty cool. Not as awesome as me! Not at all. Over 9000% awesome!! Who's Applebloom? Why do I care exactly? Meh. She's okay. I feel sorry for her, not finding her cutie mark and all. Bullying sucks! 15/15 How awesome do you think you are? 100% XD :D :3 I'm better than everyone else on this planet. In my opinion, I'm 40% Awesome. I think cool is the word. I'm not awesome. D: I think my fans can tell you. 50% I guess. Everything is awesome!!! I think I'm decent.