Could you be Famous? Try this test, to see, if you one day, may be famous! (Anyone with who takes this test, may have a chance of being famous) Sandstorm78 published on March 17, 2014 Stacked 1/7 Does your family, tell their friends (they repeat cycle) all about you, and your talents? Yes, I do lots of things, their friends, would die to hear(not funny) No, I am a flat subject 2/7 Do you have a special hobby, that your good at? No, but I try to Yes!!!! 3/7 What is your favorite color? Red or Blue Pink or Purple Yellow or Green Orange!!! Got none 4/7 Do kids, say bad things about you? Yes, they call me all sorts of mean names No, or they will have to deal with me, (and I don't do anything totally Weird..) 5/7 Do teachers, usually like you? NO WAY! Yes, they think I am a star! 6/7 Do you have any friends? 1-3 5-10! 2-5 None. 7/7 Do you ever dress up? Yes, for lots of reasons!! I look cute too!! No, and if I did, my parents probably FORCED me.